Logging Off: “Quitting the Internet” Comes to UWRF Campus

Logging Off: “Quitting the Internet” Comes to UWRF Campus

 The University of Wisconsin-River Falls is pleased to announce that Ryan Kemp, a philosophy professor at Wheaton College in Illinois, will be the featured speaker for the Dr. Imtiaz Moosa Philosophy and Ethics Symposium Series.

“We long for a change, have some idea of what would need to change, and never change. In this talk, I will confront some of the most common reasons we give for why we can’t live without the gadgets that make us miserable. I’ll try to help us see that we can and must.”

Kemp, who dedicates his career to guiding students in exploring what it means to live well, will address a topic of growing concern in today’s digital age: our dependence on the internet and digital devices.

“Most of us are addicted to our phones. We’re increasingly distracted, impatient and inattentive. We struggle to remain present with each other and confess feelings of deep loneliness, isolation and depression,” Kemp said. “We long for a change, have some idea of what would need to change, and never change. In this talk, I will confront some of the most common reasons we give for why we can’t live without the gadgets that make us miserable. I’ll try to help us see that we can and must.”

Kemp’s presentation “Quitting the Internet” will take place Thursday, April 3 in the Kinnickinnic Theater in the University Center, E. 501 Wild Rose Ave., River Falls. A reception before Kemp’s talk begins at 3 p.m. with a lecture/discussion to follow from 3:30-5 p.m.

The event is free and open to the public.

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