This month marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainable energy in the Chippewa Valley as Xcel Energy announces the operation of the Chippewa Sun solar array in the town of Hallie. This five megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) system is expected to generate approximately 10 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year for its three subscribing partners: UW Eau Claire (The Sonnentag), Pablo Group and the City of Eau Claire.

“The commercial operation of Chippewa Sun is a testament to the leadership and vision of our three subscribing customers, and the dedication of our exceptional contractors and suppliers,” said Karl Hoesly, president, Xcel Energy-Wisconsin and Michigan. “This project not only propels us toward our vision of providing 100% carbon-free electricity to our customers by 2050, but it also advances the individual sustainability goals of our partners.”
Chippewa Sun is located just outside Eau Claire and will be integrated into Xcel Energy’s distribution system. Xcel Energy is purchasing the electricity from the facility to support the three subscribing partners.
UW-Eau Claire is the largest subscriber to Chippewa Sun and the energy generated at the solar array will offset 100% of the electricity used at The Sonnentag. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.