Funding coming from the federal level is being used in our local community. The following was submitted by Chippewa Sheriff, Travis Hakes:

In 2023, the Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from Congressman Derrick Van Orden to obtain a federal grant from the Department of Justice, COPS Technology and Equipment for purchasing updated law enforcement radios. Due to some local law enforcement agencies operating on a digital frequency, and our radios not being digitally capable; the Sheriff’s Office needed to update our radio equipment.
The funds we secured in 2024, but not spent until recently.
As of today, I can report that we have received all the needed radios to complete this project. I have further been advised that the County received the $100,000.00 Congressman Van Orden secured for the project.
Public safety in Chippewa County will be safer, and allowed to operate more efficiently, due in large part of support from Congressman Van Orden. The Congressman’s Office has been effective in supporting our public safety needs, and following through on their support of our mission to provide the highest level of public safety while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

In addition to federal funding, a grant was awarded as well:
The Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office was recently advised we were awarded a grant in partnership with the Bureau of Prevention Treatment and Recovery within the Wisconsin Department of Health Services.
Funds obtained by the Sheriff’s Office will be used to purchase safe disposal bags for unused prescription pills. It is our hope that the collaborative efforts we have with Public Health, local law enforcement, and other key stakeholders we can make these disposal bags available to the community when they arrive. The funds also provide ability to send our staff to additional training regarding opioid abuse as we continue our pursuit to assist our residents in their recovery, and prevention of abuse.
It is my hope that these funds will allow our Office to provide more community awareness and outreach regarding opioid prevention.