DATCAP Reminds of Runoff Risk

DATCAP Reminds of Runoff Risk

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) is reminding farmers and manure applicators to check the runoff risk advisory forecast before spreading manure on fields. This tool helps determine the potential for manure runoff from a field depending on weather and soil conditions and can be accessed by visiting http://www.manureadvisorysystem.wi.gov/runoffrisk/index.

The runoff risk advisory forecast includes a map showing short-term runoff risk for manure application. The maps account for soil saturation, temperature, and precipitation on a scale of 1.5 square-mile grids. The National Weather Service updates the forecast four times daily.

“The runoff risk advisory forecast projects three days into the future during the summer months and looks 10 days ahead in winter and spring. The 10-day forecast is especially helpful since manure applications are unincorporated and exposed on the surface for a longer period of time,” said Andrea Topper, DATCP nutrient management outreach specialist. “This time of year, a snow melt event or large rainfall can easily move that unincorporated manure off the field, so it’s important that farmers utilize this tool and their Nutrient Management Plan to be proactive rather than reactive.”

For more information about nutrient management planning, visit https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Programs_Services/NutrientManagement.aspx.

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