Saturday, March 8th, Genealogical Research Society of Eau Claire, 12-1pm – Research Time; 1-2:30 – Meeting.

Join the GRSEC for their December meeting. Bill Parker will be speaking about military dog tags. A lot of information can be gleaned from early military dog tags including serial numbers, vaccination dates, and religious information. This presentation takes visitors on a journey through American history from pre-World War I through the Korean War.
The GRSEC is a non-profit educational society dedicated to preserving family history and stories in the Chippewa Valley. Meetings are held the second Saturday of months from September – May at the Chippewa Valley Museum. Doors open at noon and genealogy help is available in the museum library from noon-1pm. Meetings begin at 1pm.
Saturday, March 8th, Written/Spoken, 7-9pm.

Join us for open mic night at the Chippewa Valley Museum for true-ish (or not) tellings of written or impromptu story telling. The theme for this program is new beginnings.
CVM will be hosting no-admission quarterly open mic nights. Poets, writers, musicians, and artists welcome. Sign up at the event for a 5-minute sharing slot.
Saturday, March 15th, Coffee and Revolution, 10am-12pm

Amber Kersting from Farmer to Farmer will present a fun program all about our favorite wake-up beverage. Discover how a cup of Joe was connected to the French and Haitian revolutions. Attendees also get to sample different grinds and brands of coffee.
For more information or to register, see the online calendar at cvmuseum.com.