In 2023, the Eau Claire County Broadband Committee supported the Fairchild Fiber Connect Project to improve internet service in the Village of Fairchild and the Town of Fairchild by providing Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) to locations that were either unserved or underserved with internet. I
The Fairchild Fiber Connect Project consists of providing service to 24 locations in the town along with upgrading internet service within the village.

This project was a public-private partnership between TCC, Chippewa Valley Internetworking Consortium (CINC), Town of Fairchild, Village of Fairchild, and the Eau Claire County Broadband Committee.
Funding for the Fairchild Fiber Connect project came from a Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Broadband Infrastructure grant that included a local match from TCC, local funding support from the Town of Fairchild, Eau Claire County and Town America Rescue Plan Act (APRA) funds, and a partnership with CINC that helped make the high-speed internet connection to the three anchor institutions possible.