Arrests and Ejections Jump at Camp Randall

Arrests and Ejections Jump at Camp Randall

Nearly a dozen arrests were made and close to two dozen people were ejected during the Badgers’ game against Alabama yesterday at Camp Randall Stadium. 

University of Wisconsin-Madison Police say all eleven arrests were for underage drinking and ten of those arrested were UW students.  Police also said 15 of the 19 ejected were UW students.  Disorderly conduct, possession of unauthorized alcohol, and use of tobacco were among the reasons for the ejections, according to police statistics. 

The Badgers suffered their first loss of the season, falling to the fourth-ranked Crimson Tide 42-to-ten.

Underage drinking is also an issue outside of Camp Randall Stadium.  The Madison Police Department’s Central Community Policing Team announced a bar was cited for serving more than 150 underage patrons.  The citations came after a bar check on September 6th.  Police did not identify the bar, but did say this wasn’t the first time it had been cited.  Police also said the bar received a citation for being at more than 50-percent over capacity.

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