Never Forget

Never Forget

People around the globe are remembering the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks today.

On this 23rd anniversary of the attacks, family members of the victims are gathering with local leaders in Lower Manhattan for the annual reading of the victims’ names. During the ceremony there will be six moments of silence to mark when both World Trade Center towers were struck and fell, when the Pentagon was attacked and when United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania. Natalie Migliore is in Lower Manhattan.

Here in our state, Flags will fly at half-staff across Wisconsin on Wednesday in recognition of 9/11. 

Today is also the State Day of Service and Remembrance.  Governor Evers is encouraging folks, not only to lower their flags, but to engage with their neighborhoods and communities, perform acts of kindness, and take the time to reflect on the significance of the day.

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