Baldwin Introduces Bill to Support and Grow Wisconsin’s Livestock Farming and Meat Processing Industry 

Baldwin Introduces Bill to Support and Grow Wisconsin’s Livestock Farming and Meat Processing Industry 

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) introduced the Meat Business Innovation Act (MBIA) of 2024 to support farmers, ranchers and small- and medium-sized processors through technical assistance and grants to the meat industry. The legislation is modeled on Baldwin’s successful Dairy Business Innovation Act, which has distributed over $150 million to regional centers across the country since established in 2019.

“In Wisconsin, we make things – everything from beer, to brats and cheese. We know Wisconsin’s meat industry has long been a key driver of our economy, supporting jobs and livelihoods across the state,” said Senator Baldwin. “We’ve seen how my Dairy Business Innovation Initiative has helped our dairy farmers and processors add value to their businesses, and now I’m proud to lead the charge to help our livestock farmers and meat processors, too – creating new products, improving operations, and supporting our Wisconsin meat industry for years to come.”

Wisconsin’s livestock and meat industries have played a key role in the state’s economy, directly employing more than 43,000 people and, with warehousing and distribution included, they contribute $34 billion to Wisconsin’s economy. Similar to the Dairy Business Innovation Initiative, the MBIA would create regional research and innovation centers across the country. These centers, in partnership with livestock farmers and small- and medium-sized processors, would foster the development of new meat products and uses for byproducts, spur innovation in meat processing, invest in workforce development and the humane handling of livestock, and modernize existing on-farm infrastructure and processing plants.

The MBIA would create three regionally located meat product and business innovation initiatives, and each regional initiative is tasked with providing technical assistance and grants to farmers and processors, including:

  • Supporting new and expanding meat processors – Centers would provide assistance with business plan development, accounting, market evaluation, and strategic planning.
  • Promoting innovation in meat products and byproducts – Centers would work in tandem with producers to conduct research into meat product and byproduct innovations.
  • Investing in workforce development – Centers would offer workforce development and training opportunities, including humane handling, food safety training and consultation, and meat processing training.
  • Assisting with farm infrastructure and plant modernization – Farmers, ranchers, and meat businesses receive assistance with operation and facility improvement, including assistance with plant upgrades, food safety modernization, energy and water efficiency, byproduct reprocessing and use maximization, and waste treatment.

The Meat Business Innovation Act would authorize $30 million in annual appropriations and $30 million in annual Commodity Credit Corporation Funding. The bill also requires a report to Congress on the implementation of the program within a year of enactment on the status of innovation, growth, and product development.

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