The City of Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department announces with the utmost sadness the passing of Bets, the male bobcat at Wildwood Zoo.

With a lack of treatment options and the aggressive nature of his condition, the difficult decision was made to euthanize Bets. He was a favorite amongst visitors and staff alike with his sweet, personable nature and zest for life. He enjoyed watching the ducks and geese at the lower pond, receiving back scratches via his wooden scratcher, and napping in the sun.
He will be greatly missed. At 17 years of age, Bets had surpassed the average lifespan of bobcats both under human care and his wild counterparts.
He shared the wildcat exhibit with Lexi, the 19-year-old female lynx. Lexi will be closely observed by her care team for changes in behavior but she has always been a highly independent individual and is expected to adjust well.