Signing Off: Interpreter Retiring After More than 170 Commencement Ceremonies

Signing Off: Interpreter Retiring After More than 170 Commencement Ceremonies
Commencement May 19, 2018, in Zorn Arena 9 a.m. - College of Business, College of Education and Human Sciences 2 p.m. - College of Arts and Sciences, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

ABOVE PHOTO: Rachel Kohn says she was honored and humbled to receive the Honorary Blugold Award from Chancellor James Schmidt during commencement as a token of gratitude for her many years of service. COURTESY OF:

There is so much positive energy in the arena. I often get choked up as the graduates enter the arena, and I don’t even know most of them.”

After 36 years, sign language interpreter Rachel Kohn is signing off at her final University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire commencement exercises Saturday at Zorn Arena, the last graduation ceremonies in the 72-year-old facility.

“Commencement day is such a happy day to be a part of,” Kohn says. “There is so much positive energy in the arena. I often get choked up as the graduates enter the arena, and I don’t even know most of them.”

Kohn says she was honored and humbled to receive the Honorary Blugold Award from Chancellor James Schmidt during commencement as a token of gratitude for her many years of service.

Kohn, who has taught multiple eight-week sign language classes through UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education, started signing at commencement in 1988 and interpreted more than 170 commencement ceremonies for 72,000 Blugolds, including three ceremonies on her final day. CLICK HERE.

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