Some Dane County supervisors don’t want the sheriff sending any more deputies to break up the protests at UW-Madison.
Nine supervisors signed a letter yesterday pressing the sheriff to ‘not succumb to any impulse for action that will silence activists working to shape public discourse through peaceful means.’ Several Dane County deputies were part of the police sweep that cleared tents from the UW-Madison Library Mall on Wednesday. A handful of them were hurt in the scuffle with students that followed.
The supervisors added that they ‘do approve of the use of any county resource, law enforcement or otherwise’ to end the protests on campus.
Meanwhile, on other campuses across our state there are also protests underway.
UW-Milwaukee sees those enter a sixth day and others in the community are joining in. On Friday, the Islamic Center of Milwaukee led a Muslim prayer service on the campus. In addition to UW-Milwaukee students, a number of students from Marquette participated in the service. UW-Milwaukee Dean of Students Adam Jussel posted a letter to students on the school website. One part of the letter references students’ free speech rights and limitations, such as a state law restricting encampments.