Elizabeth Berger, Allison Duerkop, and Lily Schwartz have been selected as the Eau Claire County Wisconsin 4-H Key
Award winners for this year. The prestigious Key Award, one of the highest recognitions a 4-H member can receive, honors a select group of 4-H participants annually. Adult 4-H Volunteers choose the Key Award recipients a year in advance of announcing the winners at the annual 4-H Awards Banquet. The youth receiving this award are ones who have demonstrated consistent growth in their 4-H involvement, developed and applied their leadership skills, and actively participated in their club and community.

According to Eau Claire County 4-H Youth Development Rachel Hart-Brinson, this year’s winners exemplify the goals and values of the Wisconsin 4-H Program. They exemplify the kind of people we need to build a better tomorrow.
Allison Duerkop was a 14-year member of the Pleasant Valley Clovers 4-H Club and served as president and treasurer, among other roles. She especially enjoyed showing dairy at the county and state fair, being a 4-H camp counselor, and going on the American Spirit 4-H Educational Experience. She is currently attending UW-La Crosse majoring in finance.
Lily Schwartz was a member of the Pleasant Hill Go-Getters 4-H club for 9 years, serving as sunshine officer, club secretary, and two years as club president. She also participated in the county’s Older Youth Council, serving one year as the Leaders Association representative. Lily had the opportunity to serve at the state level with the Wisconsin Leadership Council, including as youth co-president. She received the Eau Claire County Fair Expo Over Achiever award twice and enjoyed exhibiting crocheting, sewing, cultural arts, pottery, cake decorating, and youth leadership, among others at the fair. When asked, Lily shares that her favorite parts of 4-H were the relationships and friendships she built, especially at Wisconsin Leadership Council. Lily values being able to continue to learn and ignite her “spark” in art that has led her to pursue art education at UW-Stout.
Beth Berger was an active 4-H member for 10 years. In that time she held several office positions in both her club, the Eau Claire Clovers, and the Older Youth Council, including president. Beth participated in a variety of projects, including ceramics, shooting sports, creative writing, and music. Some of her favorite experiences with 4-H were the educational experiences, 4-H camp, and Older Youth Council events. Beth’s involvement in 4-H brought her lifelong friendships, new interests, and opportunities for leadership. Beth is currently attending UW-Madison.
The Wisconsin Farm Bureau and Rural Mutual Insurance Company sponsor the Wisconsin 4-H Key Award program. They have sponsored these awards for over 25 years, helping 4-H to honor some of Wisconsin’s finest youth.