“Wisconsin’s veterans and military families sacrifice so much to serve their country, and I’m proud to honor that service and ensure they have access to the high-quality benefits and support they deserve,”
-Senator Baldwin
Last month, U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) helped pass two funding packages into law that deliver for Wisconsin veterans, service members, military families, and military installations.
“Wisconsin’s veterans and military families sacrifice so much to serve their country, and I’m proud to honor that service and ensure they have access to the high-quality benefits and support they deserve,” said Senator Baldwin. “This bipartisan package invests in Wisconsin’s military installations, increases support for critical services veterans rely on, and will help servicemembers and their families afford housing, childcare, and health care, including mental health services. Importantly, Republicans and Democrats came together to invest in our ability to stay ahead of the threat of China and give our military the tools they need to keep our country safe.”
An example of funding is listed below:
Supporting Wisconsin Veterans
Increasing Support for Veterans: $121 billion for Veteran’s Affairs (VA) medical care, including an increase of $2.3 billion over last year’s funding for additional investment in:
- Rural Health: $343 million to support improved access to care, including expanded access to transportation and telehealth.
- Caregivers Program: $2.4 billion to implement the program and extend legacy participant eligibility.
- Women’s Health: $990 million for gender-specific care, including reproductive care, and to invest in improving facilities.
- Homelessness Prevention: $3.1 billion to support critical services and housing assistance for veterans and their families experiencing housing insecurity.
- Mental Health: $16.2 billion, including $559 million for suicide prevention outreach.
- Child Care: $23 million to expand the Child Care Pilot Program to eliminate barriers for veterans in need of child care while attending medical appointments.