“The unique design draws attention and provides a fun way to engage in financial education that is relevant to their current stage of life.”

Royal Credit Union (Royal) is a recipient of a Wisconsin Governor’s Financial Literacy Award presented by Gov. Tony Evers on February 29th, 2024. The Wisconsin Governor’s Financial Literacy Award is annually presented to individuals and organizations that have provided exceptional financial education with an innovative and inclusive approach. Royal received this award in recognition of Go Big or Go Broke, a life-sized board game that was designed by Royal to deliver interactive financial education to young adults aged 17 to 22. Since its development in 2021, Royal has hosted 16 Go Big or Go Broke events with over 927 participants.
“This game was created with the vision to reach young adults where they are whether it be at college campuses, high school events, the state fair, or other public spaces.” says Kristen Norgaard, Financial Education Manager. “The unique design draws attention and provides a fun way to engage in financial education that is relevant to their current stage of life.”
Criteria used to judge nominations included: innovative implementation of an effective financial literacy and capability program or program element within the last two years; emphasis on financial inclusion, demonstrated measurable results; collaboration with partners; and scalability of the program design.