Dunn County is again offering free well testing following its 2023 project that tested nearly 1,000 wells in the county for nitrates and metals.
“The sampling is planned to be started in July of this year with staff collecting the samples again,” said Heather Wood, water resources specialist for Dunn County. “It is open to anyone with a well within Dunn County, and there is no cost to participants.”

Wood told the Dunn County Board of Supervisors recently that the goal is to test 240 wells, and the results will be analyzed by the Eau Claire City-County Health Department.
The county has about $28,000 left over from the 2023 testing effort that sampled 995 wells in total, with 973 private wells and 22 wells representing town halls included. That effort, using ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funding, cost about $147,000.