Say Wisc”Ahhhh”nsin! Bills Aim to Expand Dental Care

Say Wisc”Ahhhh”nsin! Bills Aim to Expand Dental Care

A package of five bills meant to expand dental care access have been signed into law in Wisconsin.

Governor Tony Evers signed the bills this morning, one of which legalizes the licensure of mid-level dental providers called dental therapists in the state. Those who decide to pursue dental therapy will be required to limit their practice to areas with shortages, and have a patient base with at least 50-percent Medicaid patients, veterans, or other specific populations. Another approved bill requires the Wisconsin Technical College System to use two-million dollars from the 2023-2025 budget for the expansion of dental hygienist and assistant programs.

While we are in the dentist chair, open wide!

Wisconsin is the second best U-S state for dental health. New data analysis by WalletHub looked at markers like the number of adolescents who went to the dentist in the past year, and the cost of dental treatments. Wisconsin was found to be the state with the fewest number of people that reduce their social life due to the state of their oral health.

Wisconsin is second overall to Illinois, and is followed by Idaho and Minnesota. The states with the worst dental health are Arkansas, Mississippi, and West Virginia.

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