
VP Harris Kicks Off Fight For Reproductive Rights Tour

VP Harris Kicks Off Fight For Reproductive Rights Tour

Vice President Kamala Harris visited Waukesha County today (Mon.) to kick off her Fight For Reproductive Rights tour.

At the tour stops, which included Big Bend, she spoke on the effects of abortion bans and shared relevant stories of people across the country. Today is also the 51st anniversary of the passing of Roe v. Wade, a decision that gave women the constitutional right to abortion and legalized the procedure nationally. The ruling was overturned in 2022.

Last week, a proposal was introduced in the Wisconsin Assembly that would ask voters about a 14-week abortion ban on next year’s ballot if it passes. That proposal would allow exceptions in medical emergencies.

It hasn’t made it to Governor Tony Evers desk for approval yet, but he has said he won’t sign it if it does.

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