Happy Thanksgiving!
With many planning to leave room for the pie (and stuffing, and potato’s, and seconds…) we thought we would start the day by dishing up some quick Thanksgiving facts and fun. Bonus? It’s all calorie-free…but, let’s just go ahead and agree that calories don’t count on Thansgiving, right?
First of all, why do we celebrate this day? We didn’t always.

Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States, tracing back to the Plymouth colonists from England and the Native American Wampanoag people shared an autumn harvest feast.
Moving on to the menu, food is the theme of the day. And a lot of it! So, as long as we are chatting food,how about we get that part out of the way, with Brie Tennis:
When it comes to prepping and serving up that meal, the CDC is sharing how to safely cook your Thanksgiving turkey. It says that you should set the oven temperature to at least 325-degrees and place the completely thawed turkey in a roasting pan that is 2 to 2 and a half inches deep.

They also say it’s important to use a food thermometer. When it comes to leftovers, they recommend refrigerating them at 40-degrees or colder within two hours of cooking to prevent food poisoning. For safety sake, they say you should eat all of your leftover cooked turkey, and side dishes made with it, within three to four days.
If you are looking for a community connection today there are many local options for a great meal and company. CLICK ON EACH LOCATION FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Saving Grace Lutheran Church is dishing up their meal.

Hope Gospel is setting the table.

The Community Table is set and ready for you!

From the table to the tv, If the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is also on your menu today, you aren’t alone! Tons of celebrities will be taking part in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Lisa G. reports.
After the parade, it’s time to trade the Rockette kicks for a kick off! Thanksgiving is associated with football and food. Brie Tennis with details.

And what is Mother Nature up to during all this? Severe weather will be gobbling up a lot of travel time this morning as a Thanksgiving storm slams the Northeast. Forecasters say a major storm packing heavy rain and gusty winds will cause travel disruptions today from Massachusetts to Virginia.
The storm has already caused flooding on interstate highways in the region, and wind gusts up to 50 miles-per-hour could break a lot of tree limbs and cause power outages.
If you are traveling, or plan to this holiday season there is an app for that !

Google Maps can help you decide when to leave during the holiday season. The app is rolling out new features in the next few weeks and giving advice on when to travel to cut down on stress and travel time. Based on data from last year’s Thanksgiving season, Google Maps can give not only real-time trip estimates, but can also provide a better idea on when to plan to be on the road.
And with that, we prepare to celebrate our blessings, connect with friends, and from our table to yours we wish you a very happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks for stopping by!