Money Set to Address Drug Treatment, Education

Money Set to Address Drug Treatment, Education

“This grant represents a significant step forward for our community and the many individuals and families impacted by opioid use disorder.”

-Sheriff Dave Riewestahl

Collaboration between the Eau Claire County Sheriff’s Office, Human Services, Criminal Justice Services, and City-County Health Departments has led to the receipt of a $350,000 grant from the Wisconsin Department of Human Services to fight the ongoing opioid crisis. Eau Claire County recognizes the urgent need for innovative strategies to address this crisis. The grant will support three key areas:

1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Education

2. Enhanced Community Drug Disposal Programs

3. Pre-Arrest or Pre-Arraignment Deflection Programs

MAT education and programs are vital for our community. They save lives, reduce crime, improve public health, lower costs, and offer individuals the chance of healthier lives. These initiatives are crucial to our comprehensive approach to the opioid epidemic.

“This grant represents a significant step forward for our community and the many individuals and families impacted by opioid use disorder. The grant dollars will not only extend the reach of existing harm reduction initiatives but introduce new Pre-Arrest or Pre-Arraignment Deflection programming that offers a transformative opportunity for community members with opioid use disorder who seek positive change.” Sheriff Dave Riewestahl. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

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