Lawmakers List Includes Vote on Elections Boss, Map Drawing

Lawmakers List Includes Vote on Elections Boss, Map Drawing

Republicans in the Wisconsin Senate expect to vote to fire the state’s elections boss today, but it will not be her last day on the job.

Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu yesterday said he plans to remove Meagan Wolfe as Elections Commission administrator. LeMahieu says Wolfe ignored lawmakers, and refused to show-up at a hearing about her job. LeMahieu expects the rest of the Republican-controlled Senate to vote to fire Wolfe as well. But Wolfe is likely not going to be out of a job. She is relying on a legal opinion from Wisconsin’s attorney general that says the Senate cannot fire her.

After the Senate vote, the question about her future could end up in court.

On the other side of the aisle, Democrats at the Wisconsin Capitol say Republicans cannot be trusted to draw the state’s new political maps.

The top Democrat in the Wisconsin Senate, Melissa Agard, yesterday said Democrats in the state would welcome a commission to draw the next electoral map for the state, but she says that commission has to be fair. Agard said Republicans cannot be trusted to be fair with the state’s maps. The top Republican in the Wisconsin Assembly on Tuesday suggested a commission draw the next map, as a way to avoid a legal fight and possible impeachment of the state’s newest supreme court justice.

Republicans will vote on that commission plan later today.

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