Road to Redistricting Remains Bumpy

Road to Redistricting Remains Bumpy

The top Republican in the Wisconsin Assembly says questions about the state’s newest supreme court justice, and whether she can hear the state’s redistricting case, remain unanswered.

The state’s Judicial Commission yesterday dismissed the complaint that accused Justice Janet Protasiewicz of violating court rules when she called Wisconsin’s political maps ‘rigged’ during her campaign for the Supreme Court last spring. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, however, says that doesn’t answer the question of whether she can fairly hear challenges to those maps. Vos yesterday said the Court Commission said Protasiewicz can’t be sanctioned. He says the commission didn’t say anything about whether she should recuse herself from any redistricting cases. Vos and other Republicans say Protasiewicz must step aside in the case, and have talked about impeaching her if she doesn’t.

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