
President Biden Talks Green Energy, Bidenomics

President Biden Talks Green Energy, Bidenomics

President Biden says his economic policies are working, and pointed to a handful of green energy plants in Wisconsin as proof.

The president was in Milwaukee yesterday as part of his tour to tout Bidenomics. He stopped by an electric vehicle charging station manufacturer. While there, the president talked about putting people back to work after the coronavirus, and his push to make things in America. Biden also said two green energy projects in Kenosha County are proof that his focus on electric cars and clean energy can move the state forward.

Showing you different sides so you can decide, Republicans in Wisconsin say people in the state can’t afford more Bidenomics.

Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Brian Schimming yesterday said the price of everything from a cup of coffee to a house has sky-rocketed under the president’s leadership. Congressman Mike Gallagher said price spikes for gas and groceries have ‘crushed the pocketbooks’ of Wisconsinites.

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