Happy Earth Day to You…

Happy Earth Day to You…


We are glad you are here on this Earth and we welcome you to Saturday.

Sometimes the week can seem long, uncooperative, or just plain exhausting. We get it.

That’s why we like to start the weekend with a slightly different approach. A simple start and an ease into the day.

Today is Earth Day. Let’s take a peek into what the planet has planned.

First of all, we look local where you can participate in events from clean-up to planting. CLICK HERE TO EXPLORE OPTIONS.

Beyond our own backyard, activities and protests are going on worldwide today for Earth day. 

Volunteers around the world will be planting trees and picking up trash today for the 54th annual day to honor the environment.  Protests are also being mounted.  Reuters says climate change activists are gathering outside the parliament building in London to call for action on global warming. 

In the U.S., President Biden has signed an executive order directing federal agencies to focus on environmental justice initiatives.  The order will create a new Office of Environmental Justice. 

So, if you are also looking to SAVE some green while going green, and many of us are still reaching for the heaters in this late April in Wisconsin, here’s a few energy saving tips for your H-V-A-C system that will also save you money.  President of Dallas-based Service Experts Rob Comstock says right off the bat, there’s an easy way to reduce your heating and cooling bill by about 15-percent.

Comstock also suggests installing a smart thermostat. That can save you about 30-percent on your energy bill.  In addition, he says make sure you attic is well-insulated, and always remember to change your air filters.  Dirty filters make your H-V-A-C work harder and could shorten the life-span of the system. 

The Department of Energy reports heating and cooling accounts for about 50-percent of the energy used in a typical American home, and Comstock stresses these tips are well worth your time.

Here’s wishing you a safe and stress-free Earth Day…and beyond!

Thanks for stopping by!

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