UPDATE 02/27/2023
The deceased victims from the fatal structure fire have been identified as William M. Dahl, 74 and Bonni D. Bukkila-, 66 years old. Based on the initial investigation, this incident does not appear to be criminal in nature and foul play is not suspected. The incident remains under investigation.

A fire in Dunn County is deadly.
It was on February 26, 2023 at approximately 5:20 AM, the Dunn County Communication Center received a call from an individual who advised of a structure fire at a duplex residence. The Dunn County Sheriff’s Office and the Menomonie Fire Department responded to the incident the Township of Menomonie, Dunn County, Wisconsin.
It was reported that there were two occupants in the home. A neighbor and family members attempted to rescue the two occupants, however were unsuccessful. Upon arrival of law enforcement and fire personnel, the single story duplex home was full of smoke with some flames visible. The two occupants of the home were located inside the residence and were beyond help. Both individuals were pronounced deceased on scene by the Dunn County Medical Examiner’s Office.
The cause and origin of the fire is under investigation. The names of the deceased individuals will not be released, at this time, pending family notification.