Dawn Comte, Recreation Manager for the City of Eau Claire Parks, Recreation & Forestry has been awarded the 2023 Professional Award of Merit by the Wisconsin Parks and Recreation Association. This award is the highest professional recognition given by WPRA to a current or retired active Association member. The nominee must hold a current professional certification by the National Recreation and Park Association as a Certified Parks and Recreation Professional (CPRP).

Dawn has been an active WPRA member for 34 years and continues to be admired and respected for her professional leadership and commitment to the parks and recreation management profession. Dawn has held several positions in the parks and recreation industry over the years with continued community involvement. Her professional roles for the City of Eau Claire include Recreation Aide (‘96-‘97), Recreation Program Supervisor (‘98-‘08), and Superintendent of Recreation/Recreation Manager (‘08-present). In the National Park and Recreation Association she was a Gold Medal Finalist (’14) and received her CAPRA Accreditation (’13-present).
Dawn’s additional professional leadership roles in WPRA include Recreation Section Chair Elect, Chair and Past- Chair, ASA Liaison, Region 1 Representative (’00-‘04), Conference Committee (’98. ’99, ’05, ’07, ’08, ’15), and President Elect, President and Past President (’20-’22).