On Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 Marshfield Utilities – Water Utility will be repairing an emergency watermain break in the 1700 block of North Central Avenue (adjacent to Starbucks). This work will
require the shifting of northbound and southbound traffic lanes for the safe operation of maintenance
equipment. Both northbound and southbound traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction.

This work is expected to take approximately 4 days to complete.
Please note: The lane reductions on North Central Avenue may cause significant delays and may affect
left turn access to businesses in the 1700 block of North Central Avenue. Motorists are encouraged to
use caution through construction zones and please be aware of changing road conditions and reduced
vehicle speeds.
If there are questions concerning this or other traffic control matters within the City. Please contact the
Engineering Division at (715) 486 -2034.