Time To Take an “Elfie!”

Time To Take an “Elfie!”

The gift of a newborn is special year-round, but families received an extra special delivery from HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital during December. 

Baby boys and girls born at HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital during the month received an elf hat and Christmas stocking to begin their holiday season. For parents, this provided a great opportunity to share a cute photo of their newest family member.  

Maria Green, Women and Infants Center manager at HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital says this Christmas tradition brings smiles not only to parents, but also colleagues. 

“The only thing I can think of that’s cuter than a newborn is a newborn wearing an elf hat or tucked into a Christmas stocking,” says Green. “We are happy to help spread joy and holiday cheer throughout the Women and Infants Center. It’s also so rewarding to be part of these happy, healthy babies’ lives in their first few days.” 

Babies born at the hospital through December 31 will receive a hat and stocking. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

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