ABOVE PHOTO: The plaque New Home, about immigration, is one of five recently installed to complete a history timeline at Phoenix Park in Eau Claire. Funding for the plaques was provided though the Eau
Claire Community Parks Association.
In Eau Claire’s Phoenix Park, a walk through the city’s history is now complete thanks to community support.
Five historical plaques have been installed on the riverfront walkway at Phoenix Park, each one detailing a chapter of the city’s past, through support from the Eau Claire Community Parks
Association. In 2005, three timeline plaques were installed when Phoenix Park opened, but the final five plaques planned were never added.
Each plaque, affixed to a boulder, corresponds with engraved wording in the walkway.
The new plaques are:
-Eau Claire, Clear Water
-Manufacturing Center
-New Home
They were researched and written by staff at the Chippewa Valley Museum. City staff installed them this fall. The City of Eau Claire is marking its 150th anniversary this year.