McDonell Area Catholic Schools is pleased to announce two internal hires for the principal
positions at its PreK – grade 12 schools. MACS’ most recent Elementary Principal, Eric
Wedemeyer’92 is now the Principal at Notre Dame Middle School and McDonell Central
Catholic High School, serving over 300 students. Additionally, MACS’ most recent Elementary
Vice Principal, Jerry Smith, is now the Principal at St Charles Borromeo Early Childhood Center
and Primary School and Holy Ghost Elementary School, serving over 250 students.

“I am pleased to welcome them both into their new roles. The future is bright at McDonell Area
Catholic Schools.”
“Having worked closely with Mr. Eric Wedemeyer for the past three years, I have full
confidence in his leadership abilities, care for students, and dedication to the mission and vision
of our Catholic schools,” stated MACS President Molly Bushman, adding, “Mr. Jerry Smith, a
more recent addition to our team, also has excellent leadership qualities. With over a decade of
teaching and administrative experience, he is able to find creative solutions to meet students’
needs while keeping Jesus Christ at the center of our schools.” Mrs. Bushman concluded, “I am
pleased to welcome them both into their new roles. The future is bright at McDonell Area
Catholic Schools.”
Mr. Wedemeyer commented, “The MACS school system and community have had such a
profound impact on my personal and professional life. I want to thank the elementary staff for
being so welcoming and for their professionalism toward me these past three years. It has been
a great pleasure to serve you. I am humbled and extremely grateful for the opportunity to work
alongside our middle and high school staff and lead both schools into an exciting future.”
Mr. Smith commented, “I am extremely excited to take on this new role. I know I have some big
shoes to fill with Mr. Wedemeyer now in the high school and middle school. I am especially
grateful for the support of the teachers in this new role. I have some ideas to bridge gaps
between St Charles and Holy Ghost to make the relationships between these two school
buildings more cohesive. My first year in this position I plan to focus on supporting the children,
families, and the teachers to the best of my abilities.”