UPDATE: Todd Will Not Moderate Debate

UPDATE: Todd Will Not Moderate Debate

UPDATE: We recently received word from NBC News PR. Senior Communications Manager, Alex Butcher-Nesbitt, that Todd will not be moderating. Representatives released this statement:

…”a scheduling conflict has prevented Chuck from participating Sunday as originally planned. He is very grateful to Charles, Shannon, and the TMJ4 team for the opportunity to join in their coverage, and while he won’t be able to participate in the way he would have hoped this time, he looks forward to reporting from the state later this year. Charles Benson and Shannon Sims will remain co-moderators as scheduled.”

ORIGINAL STORY: A big national name in news will be asking the questions at the Democratic Senate debate in Wisconsin.

NBC yesterday confirmed that Meet The Press Host Chuck Todd will moderate the debate next month in Milwaukee. So far, Mandela Barnes, Sarah Godlewski, Alex Lasry, and Tom Nelson have agreed to take part in the debate. The winner of that primary will go on to face Ron Johnson in November.

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