Woman Arrested For Various Offenses

Woman Arrested For Various Offenses

After a series of disorerdly acts and uncooperative behavior a Chippewa Falls woman was arrested.

On June 8, 2022, at approximately 6:56 hours, a Lake Hallie Police Officer was approached by residents in the 10600 block of 26th Ave, Lake Hallie that a heavily intoxicated female, identified as Rachel Johnson (31 years old from Chippewa Falls), was walking on the road, and stated that a male was trying to kill her with a gun.

The residents stated that the female walked to their residence and was upset and acting hysterical. As the officers were attempting to interview Johnson, they smelled an odor of intoxicants coming from her breath and was uncooperative. As Johnson tried to leave, she lost her balance and fell. It became clear that she was not capable of caring for herself due to her level of intoxication. As the officers were assisting Johnson, she spit saliva in one of the officers faces and scratched the officers’ arms and hands drawing blood.

The officers requested EMS to check on Johnson and she began cussing and spit at the EMS personnel. Johnson was transported to the hospital where she continued spit on officers and attempted to bite their arms. Hospital staff determined that her BAC was .35.

As a result, Johnson was arrested for two counts of discharging bodily fluids at public safety Officers, two counts of battery and threats to a law enforcement officers, Obstructing/Resisting Arrest, one count of Battery/Threats to Health Care Provider, and Disorderly Conduct. Johnson was transported to the Chippewa County Jail for processing.

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