Wildwood Zoo Says Goodbye to a Favorite

Wildwood Zoo Says Goodbye to a Favorite

ABOVE PHOTO courtesy of Wildwood Zoo 

The City of Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department regretfully announces the loss of Tuck, the Peregrine falcon, at the Wildwood Zoo. He was humanely euthanized recently due to his deteriorating physical condition and perceived quality of life.

Tuck was welcomed to the zoo in 2011 as an adult from a rehabilitation center in Arizona after he was found in the wild with a fractured right wing and injured cere. Like all the birds at Wildwood Zoo, he is a former rehab patient that had recovered but can no longer survive on his own in the wild. 

Tuck was a favorite of visitors with his beautiful coloring and fascinating natural history. He will be greatly missed. The exhibit will remain empty until a rehabilitation center has a bird available for placement.

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