In partnership with their wholesale power provider, Dairyland Power Cooperative, Eau Claire Energy Cooperative was able to provide a free Level 2 electric vehicle charger at the reserve to allow those with
electric vehicles to charge while they enjoy the beauty of Beaver Creek Reserve. The ribbon cutting will
take place on May 12, hosted by Eau Claire Area Chamber of Commerce and Chippewa Falls Area
Chamber of Commerce.
“We are so excited to add an
electric vehicle charging station to Beaver Creek Reserve!
Erik Keisler, Executive Director at Beaver Creek Reserve, stated, “We are so excited to add an
electric vehicle charging station to Beaver Creek Reserve! Thanks to our partnership with Eau Claire
Energy Cooperative, the installment of our new charging station will help pave the way for a greener
future and allow more people to enjoy the outdoors all while saving money and our environment.”

Following the ribbon cutting, The Nature Center and trails will be open to explore.
There will also be refreshments and snacks provided from 3 PM-5 PM.
WHAT: Level 2 Charger Ribbon Cutting
WHEN: Thursday May 12, 2022 from 3 PM to 5 PM
WHERE: Beaver Creek Reserve’s Wise Nature Center
COST: Free