On This Day…

On This Day…

Hello. Thank you for making us part of your day.

We know the week can sometimes feel long and stressful, so on Saturday mornings we like to take a little break with a lighter approach to start the day. A simple “scroll down memory lane.”

It’s a quick look back at some of the events on the pages of history that lead us to this day. A way to warm up to the weekend before heading out into it. So, grab your favorite sippin’ drink and let’s scroll!

Today is Friday, May 6th, the 126th day of the year.  There are 239 days until the end of the year.

On this day:

  • 1429 English siege of Orleans broken by Joan of Arc and the French army
  • 1867 Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel Patents Dynamite in England, the first of three patents he would receive for the explosive material
  • 1912 Columbia University approves plans for awarding the Pulitzer Prize in several categories, after established by Joseph Pulitzer
  • 1915 RMS Lusitania sunk by German submarine off the southern coast of Ireland; 1198 lives lost
  • 1939 Germany and Italy announce an alliance known as the Rome-Berlin Axis
  • 1945 World War II: Unconditional German surrender to the Allies signed by General Alfred Jodl at Rheims
  • 1952 The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer
  • 2017 Emmanuel Macron wins France’s presidential election defeating Marine Le Pen

And that brings us here to this day. So, whatever plans you have on your own 5.7.2022-here’s hoping there are moments to record in your own personal history books.

Thanks for stopping by!

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