Despite the cold weather, 17 food science majors from China were warmly welcomed to the Midwest this spring term to join their peers on campus in University of Wisconsin-Stout’s food science and technology program.
“It is important to recognize the power of international education and exchange in terms of the unique advantages it provides participating students…”
The students will earn dual degrees from UW-Stout and their home institutions as part of the Sino-American CHEPD 1+2+1 program, organized by the China Center for International Educational Exchange through a partnership with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities.

In 2019, UW-Stout partnered with Changshu Institute of Technology, located near Shanghai, and Northeast Agriculture University, located in Harbin, northeastern China. Under the dual-degree arrangement, students complete their first year at their respective Chinese institution, their second and third years at UW-Stout, and their final year in China.
Credits are mapped through an articulation process and transfer in both directions toward degree completion. Participating students, who are sophomores, are enrolled in courses with their domestic peers.
“We are thrilled to have these students join Stout,” said UW-Stout’s Office of International Education Director Scott Pierson. “It is important to recognize the power of international education and exchange in terms of the unique advantages it provides participating students, such as the ability to receive degrees from two countries and graduate completely bilingual. Perhaps more importantly, these programs provide a bilateral platform for cultural sharing, learning and networking. People-to-people diplomacy, especially during times of increased nationalistic tension and competition, is of paramount importance.
“Studying overseas provides all parties involved a win-win proposition. The opportunity for international and domestic students to realize firsthand how much they have in common culminates mutual understanding and the development of friendships that transcend politics,” he added. “Today’s students, whether from Harbin, Changshu or Menomonie, will become tomorrow’s leaders. UW-Stout is proudly preparing future generations of collaboration, peace and prosperity.