A new adjustment may bring masks down for some in the halls of Eau Claire schools. Below is a copy of the letter sent to ECASD families this afternoon:

Dear ECASD Families,
The ECASD began the 2021-22 school year with masks required inside of all district buildings. We are now announcing a shift from a mask requirement toward recommending masks, allowing families the option to decide.
The following factors helped guide our decision to shift from a mask requirement to a recommendation:
- COVID cases have significantly declined for our entire community, students, and staff.
- There are vaccine options and widespread availability to all school-age children and adults.
- Testing options are widely available, and medical treatment has advanced for those with COVID.
- More evidence indicates the omicron variant is less severe than previous variants, especially to those who are vaccinated.
Beginning Tuesday, February 15, masks will be recommended in our high schools and middle schools.
Beginning Monday, February 21, masks will be recommended in our elementary schools. This will allow time for our staff members to successfully establish new routines for our youngest students.
Things to note:
- Federal Regulations still require masks to be worn on all school buses.
- Federal Regulations still require masks for students, staff, and visitors at Prairie Ridge.
- Students and staff who return to school on day six after testing positive or being exposed to COVID-19 will continue to wear a face covering through day ten.
- Any students and staff participating in Test-To-Stay must mask.
- Parents should consider their child’s risk for severe COVID and risk of COVID for close family members, loved ones, teammates, and friends when deciding whether they will have their child continue to mask at school.
The change to these guidelines in K-12 schools does not remove your responsibility as a parent or guardian. If your child is sick, please keep your child home.
Our other COVID-related mitigation measures will remain in place like contact tracing, cleaning, disinfecting, and availability of antigen testing to isolate positive cases quickly. The school district will monitor the impact of the above-mentioned changes and may consider additional adjustments that, when they occur, will be enacted gradually using a phased approach.
The ECASD will continue to monitor COVID-19 case rates in the community and schools, as well as our staff and student absences due to illness. Thank you for your consideration of this update.
If you have specific questions regarding this communication, please reach out to your building principal.
Mike Johnson