Fire Damages Mobile Home in Rice Lake

Fire Damages Mobile Home in Rice Lake

Rice Lake Fire Department was dispatched for a report of a Structure fire at 2136 20 1/8 th Ave 92. in the City of Rice Lake on January 27, 2022 at approximately 5:35 P.M.

On Scene of an mobile home heavy smoke and fire was visible from the structure. Rice Lake Fire Department initiated an aggressive attack utilizing two 1 3/4” Class A Foam attack lines. Rice Lake Fire Department was able to successfully extinguish the fire.

No other mobile homes were affected

The home sustained heavy smoke, water, and fire damage and estimated at $35,000. 18 Firefighters, 1 engine, 1 aerial, 1 utility, 1 water tender, and 1 command vehicle were on- scene. LMC ambulance transported one Firefighter to the hospital for a head injury. At approximately 8:30 P.M. RLFD cleared the scene and returned to the station.

The structure is owned by Asset Development.

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