Volunteer Of the Year Named in Marshfield

Volunteer Of the Year Named in Marshfield

The City of Marshfield Parks and Recreation Department proudly recognizes Bridget A. O’Brien as their 2021 Volunteer of the Year.

Bridget is longtime volunteer, advocate and supporter in the Marshfield community. As for the Parks and Recreation department specifically, Bridget is most known for garlic mustard removal in Wildwood Park. Garlic mustard is an aggressive invasive plant, that drowns out native species and alters ground chemistry. Bridget has led many volunteer events where people gather in the spring to pull garlic mustard. She not only fights invasive plants in area, but in several other areas across the state. Bridget became a certified Wisconsin Master Naturalist in 2014 and is also active in Marshfield Groundwater Guardians.

In addition, Bridget is a member of the Jurustic Park relocation committee. Both Bridget and her husband Mark T. Nelson are leading the charge to ensure Jurustic Park’s sculptures are to stay in Marshfield for future generations.

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