Stanley Relief Fund Offers Options to Give

Stanley Relief Fund Offers Options to Give
As local communities continue to clean up and rebuild many are eager to help.

There are options with United Way. Donations can be mailed or dropped off at any Forward Bank location, physical donations (clothing, food, etc.) can be dropped off at the Stanley Community Building in Chapman Park.

The Community Foundation of Chippewa County will be granting from their Response-Recovery-Rebuild Fund to assist nonprofits/charitable organizations that are serving the Stanley area to help them address the needs they are experiencing due to the tornado/storm damage and prolonged power outage.

Online donations can be made to the Community Foundation of Chippewa County by clicking here. This fund was established to serve and support nonprofit organizations by providing them with flexible resources during crisis situations (due to Covid, but now due to the tornado). The Community Foundation will be sending grant checks to both food pantries serving Stanley this week.

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