Gov. Evers Announces Workforce Investment; WI Manufactures & Commerce Speaks Out

Gov. Evers Announces Workforce Investment; WI Manufactures & Commerce Speaks Out

Governor Tony Evers latest workforce development program means 20-million-dollars for Eau Claire.

The governor was in town yesterday to announce the grants. UW-Eau Claire is in-line for a little over nine million-dollars for nurse training. The Chippewa Valley Technical College is getting 10 million-dollars to focus on metal fabrication. Both schools say they are happy to get the money. The governor says the grants should help get people to work in the region and across the state.

But not everyone agrees with the approach. We will show you different sides so you can decide.

The head of Wisconsin’s largest business group says Governor Tony Evers’ plans to spend 60 million-dollars on workforce development miss the mark.

Kurt Bauer with Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce yesterday said they always welcome an investment in workforce development, but he’d rather see the money spent differently. Bauer says Wisconsin needs to grow, attract, and retain quality workers. He says the state needs to focus on replacing an aging workforce before it’s too late. The governor’s plan spends money on everything from daycare to schools in Milwaukee to a program to help convicts get degrees from the University of Wisconsin.

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