Adulting 101: Classes Aim to Teach Life Skills

Adulting 101: Classes Aim to Teach Life Skills

Motor oil dribbled down Darrin Witucki’s arm as about a half-dozen students crouched to see him unscrew the oil filter from a car parked in the technology research and development lab of Jarvis Hall Technology Wing.

Witucki, UW-Stout’s Student Centers director, demonstrated vehicle maintenance basics as part of the Involvement Center’s Adulting 101 series.

The series started about five years ago. “It was designed to help prepare students for life outside of college and the classroom,” said Heidi Germain, Involvement Center campus activities coordinator. “It is getting those life skills they will need outside the classroom and further their ability to do well in life after college.”

The goal of the free Adulting 101 series is to help students learn life skills, Germain said. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

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