HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital’s community garden produced more than 3,500 pounds of locally grown food during the 2021 growing and harvest season; all was donated to eleven area food pantries. Since 2013 when hospital volunteers began the garden project, more than nine tons of produce have been donated.

Each spring HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital volunteers prepare the soil, ready the irrigation system and pull weeds so the garden plots are ready for planting. Any community member can rent a plot to grow food for those in need, or themselves if resources are limited. Hospital volunteers collect the produce and make weekly deliveries to pantries and food kitchens where families in need receive the donated fresh produce.
Long-time garden volunteer, Roger Elliott is proud to see the food benefitting neighbors in need.
“It’s nice when we carry in all the produce because these food pantries don’t often get fresh fruits and vegetables right out of the garden,” he said. “We enjoy growing the food and know it’s appreciated.”
This year’s harvest included 34 types of produce and herbs such as apples, yellow and green beans, carrots, tomatoes, ground cherries, lettuce, squash, raspberries, eggplant, potatoes, radishes, basil and a variety of peppers.