Welcome to your weekend and Halloween Eve! Each Saturday morning we like to take a look back at events that have paved the way to today.
Think of it as a little “scroll down memory lane.” It’s just a simple way to start your day on a lighter note. So, grab your favorite sippin’ drink and let’s scroll!
Today is Saturday, October 30th, the 303rd day of the year. There are 62 days until the end of the year.
On this day:
In 1938, Orson Welles’ classic radio play “The War of the Worlds” aired on CBS. The live drama panicked some radio listeners who actually thought that the ploy’s faked news reports about a Martian invasion was true.
In 1945, the U.S. ends shoe rationing.
In 1951, the U.S. does nuclear testing in Nevada.
In 1970, Jim Morrison of the Doors was sentenced in Miami to six or eight months hard labor for indecent exposure and profanity.
In 1976, Jane Pauley became news co-anchor of the “Today” show.
In 1983, the Reverend Jesse Jackson announced plans to seek the Democratic presidential nomination.
In 1988, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon conducted a mass wedding ceremony in South Korea for more than 65-hundred of his followers.
In 2000, comic legend Steve Allen died on this date at the age of 78.

In 2015, a live exorcism took place on national TV. The special “Exorcism: LIVE!” aired on the Destination America cable channel. A crew visited the St. Louis area home that inspired the famous horror movie “The Exorcist.” to drive out demonic forces.
In 2015, the Justice Department began releasing hundreds of nonviolent drug offenders on this day. They were among the first of more than six-thousand federal prison inmates gaining their freedom early under a program to reduce overcrowding.
In 2017, former campaign chairman for President Trump and his associate, Rick Gates are indicted on fraud charges. George Papadopoulos pleads guilty to the FBI for lying.
In 2017, President Trump’s ban on transgender people is stopped by a U.S. federal judge.
In 2019, Twitter head Jack Dorsey announced the social media platform would no longer run political ads.
And that brings us here to this day.
So, whatever plans lay ahead for your own personal 10.30.2021-here’s hoping there are plenty of moments to remember along the way.
Thanks for stopping by!