A second parent is suing over masks at her kids’ school.

Gina Kildahl filed a federal lawsuit in Madison earlier this week. She wants the court to order Fall Creek schools to require masks for all kids. Kildahl says her son caught the coronavirus at school. She says he wore a mask, but other students didn’t. Her lawsuit is the second that’s being paid for by the political action committee of progressive candidate and Minocqua Brewing Company owner Kirk Bangstad. His strategy is to use state and federal courts to force all schools in Wisconsin to order masks and tougher coronavirus restrictions for students.
In other news from Wisconsin schools, add Manitowoc schools to the list where parents are looking to oust school board members over masks.

Mom Jeanette Deschene is trying to collect over four thousand signatures in an effort to recall two school board members. She says the two have turned coronavirus decisions over to the superintendent instead of listening to what parents in the school district want. She says only one side of the argument is being heard in Manitowoc. The city is the third in Wisconsin to see parents push for a school board recall over masks in the past month or so.