State health officials are urging schools and families to remain vigilant as COVID-19 cases among children are rising.

The concern comes from the age group between nine and 13-years-old, which has accounted for over 15-hundred cases during the week of September 12th, and most of them aren’t eligible for the vaccine yet. Officials say when kids get sick from COVID, they spread it to family members, friends and relatives who may not be vaccinated even if they don’t show symptoms or don’t become terribly sick. They urge parents to make sure their child gets the shot if they’re eligible for the vaccine. CLICK HERE FOR MORE FROM WI DHS.
Local health departments are in need of more contact tracers as COVID-19 cases surge again.

Officials from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services say their employees are having to handle the overflow from local and tribal health departments.
They added that the primary responsibility for contact tracing remains with our local health departments. The situation is so dire in some counties that local health officials are urging residents to notify those who they have been in contact with of their COVID-19 infection on their own.