The City of Eau Claire is asking for your input.
They announced “Empower Eau Claire”, the first Participatory Budgeting program by a city in the state of Wisconsin. Participatory Budgeting is a democratic process that gives residents the power to directly decide how to spend part of the City’s budget on community projects that will impact their lives.

Empower Eau Claire, the City of Eau Claire’s participatory budgeting program, will kick off with an event on Tuesday, October 5, 2021 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the L.E. Phillips Senior Center, 1616 Bellinger Street, Eau Claire. At this event residents can learn about the how the program works, how to start forming project ideas, and how to volunteer.
The process begins this Fall by informing the public and recruiting volunteers, then collecting the public’s ideas
to develop into real proposals, and finally, selecting the winning projects through a city-wide vote in Spring 2022.
In each step, residents of Eau Claire can be involved in different ways including: submitting a project to improve the community, refining ideas into concrete proposals to meet program goals, helping to serve or facilitate at events, encouraging others to participate, and most importantly, voting to determine which projects receive funding.
Those who would like to know more about the program and the Kick Off event on October 5th can visit the
program’s web page WITH AN EASY CLICK HERE.