Senator Baldwin Visits Pablo Center

Senator  Baldwin Visits Pablo Center

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin visits Pablo Center at the Confluence on Friday, September 3rd to meet local recipients of the Shuttered Venue Operator Grant (SVOG). Local festivals, venues, and arts & cultural organizations joined in a “thank you” to Senator Baldwin for her help in advocating for the survival Chippewa Valley music promoters, independent venues, museums, theatres, and arts/cultural organizations.

Senator Baldwin supported the measure that was crucial in securing SVOG funding for local venues and arts organizations significantly impacted by the pandemic. The Senator and her office served as key representative for the passing of the legislation and helped to mitigate challenges with navigating the application process at the launch of the program.

“Independent venues were some of the first establishments to shut down last year—and as we’ve already seen they’ve
been some of the last to reopen,” said Senator Baldwin. “The Shuttered Venue Operator Grant program provided a lifeline to many of our arts and culture venues in Wisconsin and I was glad to tour the Pablo Center today to see how they put their funds to work.”

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