As many schools tackle the mask question, we have a local update.
Kids in Menomonie schools don’t have to wear masks to class.

The city’s school board last night voted not to require masks for kids and teachers this fall. About a dozen parents spoke at last night’s meeting, with many of them wanting the option to decide for themselves whether their kids need to wear a mask. Both the state of Wisconsin and the CDC are ‘strongly recommending’ face masks for all students and teachers. Kids in Menomonie are due back in class September 1st.
In other parts of the state, some kids in southeast Wisconsin are heading back to masks in the classroom this fall, while others aren’t.
A number of local schools decided their mask rules for the start of the school year last night. West Allis and Wauwatosa schools both adopted universal mask requirements. Oak Creek’s school board last night decided to make masks optional, while school leaders in Burlington and Cudahy didn’t vote on any new rules. Many schools across the state are opting for mask requirements as they say they want to stay in-line with the CDC’s recommendations. Many parents are unhappy that kids, especially little kids, will have to spend time in class while wearing masks.

When it comes to the larger picture, the state of Wisconsin is going as far as it can in recommending masks for kids in school this fall.
The state’s Department of Public Instruction yesterday sent schools a letter that ‘strongly recommends’ masks for all teachers and kids, regardless of whether they’ve been vaccinated. Superintendent Jill Underly says parents have made it clear that they want their kids in school, in-person this year, and she says masks are the best way to make that happen. DPI cannot require masks as it doesn’t have the power.
Local schools will ultimately decide their own mask rules.