Gov. Evers Announces Tourism Members

Gov. Evers Announces Tourism Members

As Wisconsin tourism surges back, Governor Tony Evers today announced four appointments to the Wisconsin Council on Tourism.

“Tourism is a diverse group of industry sectors that come together to drive Wisconsin’s economy,” said Acting Tourism Secretary Anne Sayers. “Our council members play an important role in advising the Department on moving Wisconsin tourism forward.”

The four appointments to the Wisconsin Council on Tourism include:

  • Mary McPhetridge (Reappointment) is the Executive Director of the Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce. A pillar of the Wisconsin tourism industry for more than 20 years, she serves in multiple leadership roles locally and with the state. In addition to serving on the Council on Tourism, she currently serves on the state’s marketing committee. Prior to her current role, Mary taught Hospitality Management classes for technical college and high school students and served as Executive Rooms Director at the Madison Concourse Hotel and Governor’s Club.

The 21-member council, which includes 14 gubernatorial appointees and 7 ex-officio members, aims to represent varied geography and wide-ranging expertise that includes, but is not limited to, recreation and attraction business owners, hospitality and service industry business owners, convention and visitor bureaus, economic development specialists, industry thought leaders, legislators and leaders of arts, historic and cultural destinations. Despite the pandemic, the tourism industry supported more than 157,000 jobs and drove $17.3 billion in total business sales in 2020. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON WI TOURSIM.

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